1. Mac's tooth was loose and he was fiddling with it; "Look mom, my tooth is a door to my mouth, it opens and closes!"
2. When our snails escaped Mac said, "Oh man, they ran away. I guess they didn't like us." To this Brody nonchalantly responds, "They don't wear shoes, Mac. They can't run."
3. Daeglan's new favorite phrase, "Da** It!" I promise he didn't learn that from me! Well, he might have, but.... I know it's not funny for a five year old to swear, but if you could only hear him with his little speech impediment and all.
*Ok, so I started feeling bad about this one. He may or may not have picked it up from me or Geoff. We really don't swear, but things sometimes slip out before the brain can react and close your mouth for you. Anyway, we are trying to correct this problem. And he doesn't yell it out, usually just mutters it under his breath so it is barely audible. Anyway, maybe I should have just deleted this all together. Great! Now I have guilt. (gotta love the dinosaur on Toy Story)
4. Emeryss explaining why she cut off all her hair, "It was sticky, Mom. I had to get it off."