Friday, August 29, 2008

Quotes of the Week, vol.2

Here we go:

1.  Mac's tooth was loose and he was fiddling with it; "Look mom, my tooth is a door to my mouth, it opens and closes!"

2.  When our snails escaped Mac said, "Oh man, they ran away.  I guess they didn't like us."  To this Brody nonchalantly responds, "They don't wear shoes, Mac.  They can't run."

3.  Daeglan's new favorite phrase, "Da** It!"  I promise he didn't learn that from me!  Well, he might have, but....  I know it's not funny for a five year old to swear, but if you could only hear him with his little speech impediment and all.
*Ok, so I started feeling bad about this one.  He may or may not have picked it up from me or Geoff.  We really don't swear, but things sometimes slip out before the brain can react and close your mouth for you.  Anyway, we are trying to correct this problem.  And he doesn't yell it out, usually just mutters it under his breath so it is barely audible.  Anyway, maybe I should have just deleted this all together.  Great! Now I have guilt. (gotta love the dinosaur on Toy Story)

4.  Emeryss explaining why she cut off all her hair, "It was sticky, Mom.  I had to get it off."

Life's Fun Little Surprises

So life is busy, what else can one say?  I feel like I'm chasing the hands on the clock trying to catch up, but no matter how fast I am, they are faster.  Meantime, I am falling farther and farther behind.  The next time those hands lap me, I'm jumping on!!!

Now, that I have that off my chest....

Anyway, school has started *screams of joy* for Brody at least.  The twins start on Tuesday and are so excited.  Their teachers came to the house this week to meet them, it was fun to see their (the boys) reactions: a little shy, a little excited.

Ok, so since time flies and I don't get on here often enough to give you every detail of our life, thought I'd share a few of  the surprises we've experienced lately. 

Came down stairs to the following last week.

*The best part was she was just letting Brody lead with no objections.  Just let him spin her, twirl her, dip her, drop her.  It was so cute.*

My baby, Mac, lost his first tooth!

*Being that Brody has already lost 5 teeth and had one pulled and Daeglan already knocked out his front two, it wasn't very momentous to the kids.  But this being Mac's first tooth and the twin's first natural tooth loss, it was a big moment for me!*

We got to experience some great beauties in nature!

*there is a rainbow in the above picture,  can't see it very well at this size, but it's there.*

*We also had pet snails for about a day, but they all escaped in my kitchen and I still haven't found one of them!  We found them up at Weeting Castle last weekend when we went for picnic.  They were stuck all over the trees.  We brought four home, but after the little escaping incident we let them loose.*

And my biggest most recent surprise...
Emeryss butchered her hair!!!

I had to fix it somehow!  Here is what I came up with. 
She now has a cute pixie cut.  You can still see the bald patch,
but it's not as drastic!

And thus we see, life is full of fun surprises!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Quotes of the week!

Ok, so my kids say some of the funniest things I have ever heard and I thought, why not share!
So I am going to try and do a Quotes of the Week, just to prove just how crazy this clan is.
There are too many things to choose from this week, so this first one might include some past quotes that aren't quite as recent.  But as this is my blog, I can do what I want....

1.  Brody (about a year ago)- "Mom, when I grow up will I have a chest like yours, cause I really want to?"
2.  Mac (under heavy sedation for stitches last winter)- crying and crying he says, "My brain is too small, I can't move my arms."  to my friend Traci who was with us and laughing hysterically at him "Naughty, Naughty, Naughty."  May not sound that funny, but trust me it was.  His lazy eye was so crossed, his lisp was even worse and he couldn't hold his head up.  Nothing like a drunk 4 year old.  he was like that drunk mouse on Alice in Wonderland.
3.  Daeglan (says it almost daily)- "Mom, when I grow up I want to be a pirate.  I want to cut off my hand and my foot so I can have a hook and a peg leg."
4.  Emeryss (favorite phrases)- says as she shakes her head and puts a hand over one eye "I tan't beleaf dis."  When she loves being a girl, "Dirl Power!  I'm Super Dirl!"
5.  Brody (yesterday waking up from surgery and really wanting to go home)- "Come on Mom, what's more important my teeth or my family?"  (back story, I use this phrase, "what's more important your toys or your family?" when they are fighting, haha)

Snettisham Beach

Hope your not all tired of beach pix, but we aren't so...
Here of some of our day at Snettisham beach last week.